31 December 2008

Nameless Year

Peace be upon all

It is the first day of New Year
Something has to be done here

No celebration
No enjoyment

There is no difference in yesterday…
…and today

The same goes for tomorrow…
….even as time flow

This time has created a new battle
For all our minds & bodies to struggle

Darkness in the heart must be sought
Soon it has to be fought

If we do not overcome the darkness within us
How could we then face the enemy?

Abraham… The Patriarch of the Three
Only One stands

Solve the riddle

Antichrist is coming...

27 December 2008

Find the Answer Together

Peace be upon all

I concede I am not the only who questions the purpose of my existence, for there are many others too who ponder why they are in this world

Our beliefs are our guidance

My beliefs derive from religion… I could not forsake religion because it is never possible for a world to exist on its own…
It takes an occurrence to form a cycle of nature

And undeniably, even a cycle of nature too can be defeated… If it has been nature which renders the sun to rise from the east and sets in the west daily, would it not be interesting to ask ourselves; “Who creates nature?”

Who creates the universe? Who create the planets which circumambulate the sun? We call such phenomenon as “natural”… But the problem is… who creates such a perfect solar system?

Big Bang Theory cannot take place without “something” to happen… So, how did that “something” cause changes?

That is why… I believe the existence of…


It is time for whosoever who reads this post to ponder about your life… What have we done in the days before ever since the day we were born? How sure are we that the choices we make are the right ones?

Even when one takes a road, sooner he will find thousands of roads at both ends… Whichever path you take, are you sure you are making most correct path in your life?

In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Praise be to God, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the words

The Most Gracious, Most Merciful

The Master of the Day of Judgment

Only You whom we worship and Your aid we seek

Guide us to the right path

The path of those on whom You have bestowed Your grace, not of those who have earned Your anger, nor of those who go astray

Qur’an, The Opening

16 December 2008


Peace be upon all

O friends, as we enjoy every bit of life, have we ever wondered what will exactly happen to us someday? Maybe you guys do not think about it, not even me sometimes.

But I have come to spread an article.

It is a warning for us all to realize who we are; we are not born to spend every single bounty on earth without us sparing a thought for those in need or deprived of the sharing of good properties.

I have come to tell you perhaps in a way similar but maybe with lesser authority as how Prophet Noah (peace and blessings upon him) had warned his people before they were drowned by a great flood. I have no Ark to save you. Only your own supplications to God will provide salvation; for it is He whose dominance is above the heavens and earth.

I am no messenger of God but just a man, like you, dear readers. One word which I would like to teach and the word which I hope you to remind me time after time lest I err;


Why am I telling you this? Let me share with you an article as promised above. Before that, the source of information could be traced via the link;

Study shows Singapore safe from tsunamis

SINGAPORE: A study commissioned by the National Environment Agency (NEA) has confirmed that there is a low probability of Singapore being affected by a tsunami.

The two—year, S$1.3 million study was jointly conducted by the National University of Singapore (NUS) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU).

Director—General of Meteorological Services at NEA, Foong Chee Leong, said the study showed that even major underwater earthquakes in nearby regions will have minimal impact on Singapore.

"Even under the worst case scenario of a great earthquake of magnitude 9 happening in the Manila Trench, because of the shallow water, by the time the waves arrives (in) Singapore, the energy will have dissipated, and also because of the distance and the slowdown by the wave, it takes more than ten hours for the first wave to reach Singapore," said Mr Foong.

The study also examined the impact of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami and found that the maximum wave height at Singapore was less than 0.3 metres, and it took 15 hours to arrive from Aceh.

Singapore usually experiences a tidal height of 1.5 metres at high tide.

When asked about the safety of people who might be in the water when the first wave hits, Dean of the College of Engineering at NTU, Professor Pan Tso—Chien said there was little danger.

"If you look at past records, as the wave comes in, those who are on the water actually feel like it’s a bumpy ride, that’s all there is. It’s those who are on the shore when the waves suddenly surge — that is where the problem is," said Prof Pan.

As buildings and housing estates here are built at a distance away from the shoreline, Prof Pan added that there was little risk even for those living near the beaches.

He said: "There isn’t any perceivable risk from what I could see, with a water height of 0.4m, plus minus. It comes on shore over beaches of 10, 20, 30m. And our people and buildings are typically far away from the beachline."

Should any of the beach areas near Singapore be at risk of a tsunami, the NEA has developed a response plan to activate and coordinate key agencies’ responses.

Alerts will be issued to the public and beach areas will be evacuated.

In conclusion, I will end today’s post with a quote of the saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him);

Hudhaifah r.a reported: The Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) said, “By Him in Whose Hand my life is, you either enjoin good and forbid evil, or Allah will certainly soon send His punishment to you. Then you will make supplication and it will not be accepted.

To be continued, if God’s Willing…

Allah knows best

15 December 2008


Peace be upon all

I would like to share a verse from the Quran which touches my heart as I read it one of these days;

In the Name of God, the Most Gracious Most Merciful

When you are greeted with a greeting, greet in return with what is better than it, or (at least) return it equally. Certainly, Allah is Ever a Careful Account Taker of all things.
Quran; Chapter 4, Verse 86

I think it would have been better if someone whom you hate greets you and you reply better than what he greets, restraining your dislike for him.

Of course, it has never been easy being humans. I have problem about that too as well.

Only Prophet Muhammad could do that


Allah knows best

And Antichrist is coming

"A day like a year, a day like a month, a day like a week…"

13 December 2008



For those who do not understand the abovementioned words, allow me to explain; verily it means ‘Peace be upon you’. As a matter of fact, I am glad when some of my classmates who are non-Muslims actually use that term to, in a sense, say ‘goodbye’. I do not mind teaching them what it means, not to mention how it is pronounced, for we wish for peace as we meet each other.

A ‘hi’ or ‘hello’ seems a jovial greeting as commonly used by people. But I doubt if any of those means as equivalent as Assalamualaikum, an Arabic word or phrase meaning ‘peace be upon you’. This is the greeting among Muslims. We wish no war or conflict among each other.

Thank you, my friends. I wish peace, not war.

Islam teaches us to forgive those who have wronged towards us.

Islam teaches us to show a great respect for our parents especially our mother whom we all undisputedly come from her womb.

Islam teaches us to be kind towards our neighbours.

In war, Islam forbids us in killing women, children and the ones who incapable of fighting. Trees are forbidden to be chopped down… Houses are been made unlawful to be burnt.

Islam forbids us to oppress others. Even animals should not be treated harshly!

Islam teaches us the submission to God and not materialisms, which bring no content but sunder in the heart of a soul.

About Me

Graduated from Diploma in New Media Republic Polytechnic As art is one of my interests, so as doing graphic design. This blog serves as a portfolio of my works. For inquiries, send an email to yami_izuddin@hotmail.com. Do not add me in MSN; strangers will not be entertained. P.S: This blog is only temporary as my website will be up not-so-soon