31 December 2008

Nameless Year

Peace be upon all

It is the first day of New Year
Something has to be done here

No celebration
No enjoyment

There is no difference in yesterday…
…and today

The same goes for tomorrow…
….even as time flow

This time has created a new battle
For all our minds & bodies to struggle

Darkness in the heart must be sought
Soon it has to be fought

If we do not overcome the darkness within us
How could we then face the enemy?

Abraham… The Patriarch of the Three
Only One stands

Solve the riddle

Antichrist is coming...

27 December 2008

Find the Answer Together

Peace be upon all

I concede I am not the only who questions the purpose of my existence, for there are many others too who ponder why they are in this world

Our beliefs are our guidance

My beliefs derive from religion… I could not forsake religion because it is never possible for a world to exist on its own…
It takes an occurrence to form a cycle of nature

And undeniably, even a cycle of nature too can be defeated… If it has been nature which renders the sun to rise from the east and sets in the west daily, would it not be interesting to ask ourselves; “Who creates nature?”

Who creates the universe? Who create the planets which circumambulate the sun? We call such phenomenon as “natural”… But the problem is… who creates such a perfect solar system?

Big Bang Theory cannot take place without “something” to happen… So, how did that “something” cause changes?

That is why… I believe the existence of…


It is time for whosoever who reads this post to ponder about your life… What have we done in the days before ever since the day we were born? How sure are we that the choices we make are the right ones?

Even when one takes a road, sooner he will find thousands of roads at both ends… Whichever path you take, are you sure you are making most correct path in your life?

In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Praise be to God, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the words

The Most Gracious, Most Merciful

The Master of the Day of Judgment

Only You whom we worship and Your aid we seek

Guide us to the right path

The path of those on whom You have bestowed Your grace, not of those who have earned Your anger, nor of those who go astray

Qur’an, The Opening

16 December 2008


Peace be upon all

O friends, as we enjoy every bit of life, have we ever wondered what will exactly happen to us someday? Maybe you guys do not think about it, not even me sometimes.

But I have come to spread an article.

It is a warning for us all to realize who we are; we are not born to spend every single bounty on earth without us sparing a thought for those in need or deprived of the sharing of good properties.

I have come to tell you perhaps in a way similar but maybe with lesser authority as how Prophet Noah (peace and blessings upon him) had warned his people before they were drowned by a great flood. I have no Ark to save you. Only your own supplications to God will provide salvation; for it is He whose dominance is above the heavens and earth.

I am no messenger of God but just a man, like you, dear readers. One word which I would like to teach and the word which I hope you to remind me time after time lest I err;


Why am I telling you this? Let me share with you an article as promised above. Before that, the source of information could be traced via the link;

Study shows Singapore safe from tsunamis

SINGAPORE: A study commissioned by the National Environment Agency (NEA) has confirmed that there is a low probability of Singapore being affected by a tsunami.

The two—year, S$1.3 million study was jointly conducted by the National University of Singapore (NUS) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU).

Director—General of Meteorological Services at NEA, Foong Chee Leong, said the study showed that even major underwater earthquakes in nearby regions will have minimal impact on Singapore.

"Even under the worst case scenario of a great earthquake of magnitude 9 happening in the Manila Trench, because of the shallow water, by the time the waves arrives (in) Singapore, the energy will have dissipated, and also because of the distance and the slowdown by the wave, it takes more than ten hours for the first wave to reach Singapore," said Mr Foong.

The study also examined the impact of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami and found that the maximum wave height at Singapore was less than 0.3 metres, and it took 15 hours to arrive from Aceh.

Singapore usually experiences a tidal height of 1.5 metres at high tide.

When asked about the safety of people who might be in the water when the first wave hits, Dean of the College of Engineering at NTU, Professor Pan Tso—Chien said there was little danger.

"If you look at past records, as the wave comes in, those who are on the water actually feel like it’s a bumpy ride, that’s all there is. It’s those who are on the shore when the waves suddenly surge — that is where the problem is," said Prof Pan.

As buildings and housing estates here are built at a distance away from the shoreline, Prof Pan added that there was little risk even for those living near the beaches.

He said: "There isn’t any perceivable risk from what I could see, with a water height of 0.4m, plus minus. It comes on shore over beaches of 10, 20, 30m. And our people and buildings are typically far away from the beachline."

Should any of the beach areas near Singapore be at risk of a tsunami, the NEA has developed a response plan to activate and coordinate key agencies’ responses.

Alerts will be issued to the public and beach areas will be evacuated.

In conclusion, I will end today’s post with a quote of the saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him);

Hudhaifah r.a reported: The Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) said, “By Him in Whose Hand my life is, you either enjoin good and forbid evil, or Allah will certainly soon send His punishment to you. Then you will make supplication and it will not be accepted.

To be continued, if God’s Willing…

Allah knows best

15 December 2008


Peace be upon all

I would like to share a verse from the Quran which touches my heart as I read it one of these days;

In the Name of God, the Most Gracious Most Merciful

When you are greeted with a greeting, greet in return with what is better than it, or (at least) return it equally. Certainly, Allah is Ever a Careful Account Taker of all things.
Quran; Chapter 4, Verse 86

I think it would have been better if someone whom you hate greets you and you reply better than what he greets, restraining your dislike for him.

Of course, it has never been easy being humans. I have problem about that too as well.

Only Prophet Muhammad could do that


Allah knows best

And Antichrist is coming

"A day like a year, a day like a month, a day like a week…"

13 December 2008



For those who do not understand the abovementioned words, allow me to explain; verily it means ‘Peace be upon you’. As a matter of fact, I am glad when some of my classmates who are non-Muslims actually use that term to, in a sense, say ‘goodbye’. I do not mind teaching them what it means, not to mention how it is pronounced, for we wish for peace as we meet each other.

A ‘hi’ or ‘hello’ seems a jovial greeting as commonly used by people. But I doubt if any of those means as equivalent as Assalamualaikum, an Arabic word or phrase meaning ‘peace be upon you’. This is the greeting among Muslims. We wish no war or conflict among each other.

Thank you, my friends. I wish peace, not war.

Islam teaches us to forgive those who have wronged towards us.

Islam teaches us to show a great respect for our parents especially our mother whom we all undisputedly come from her womb.

Islam teaches us to be kind towards our neighbours.

In war, Islam forbids us in killing women, children and the ones who incapable of fighting. Trees are forbidden to be chopped down… Houses are been made unlawful to be burnt.

Islam forbids us to oppress others. Even animals should not be treated harshly!

Islam teaches us the submission to God and not materialisms, which bring no content but sunder in the heart of a soul.

25 November 2008


Peace be upon all

This is the third artwork posted here. It is the remake of the original artwork based on the theme Dilemma during one of the previous lessons for the module Expression of Form which I am still currently undergoing that subject.

How does it feel like when you are in dilemma yet all thoughts of yours against each other in your mind for truth, setting it ablaze that renders you in a daily concealed-insanity?

Name: Conflict
Completion of painting: 23rd of November 2008

That's all folks!

Allah knows best,

And the Antichrist is coming

12 November 2008

I Am a Great Pretender!

Peace be upon all

Wonder what happens if you're being an ignorant? Here's a poem if it suits your characteristic being one without taking concerning of people's matters.


What a beauty!
What a world to spin around me
And colourful ants passing by me
While I stand here as though free

Wait –I am a great pretender!
It is with wonder
About these people as I ponder!
Towards their road, what lies yonder?

Their way of life; rushing
My curiosity; watching
Their problems; let me keep ignoring –
–It is because all for the sake of relaxing!

When the world comes crashing down
I will see people running around
And I will just call everyone a clown
Let everybody throw me a frown

Oh –I am a great pretender;
Willing to dream forever!
All my senses closed to keep me feel better;
My eyes closed and smile broader



30 October 2008

The Complexity to Truth

Peace be upon all

Somehow, I am having a thought of becoming a painter or artist instead. Ironically, artists only become famous after their death and Vincent Van Gogh is an example -but who cares about fame? All I want is to use the skills I have which I enjoy applying them through my works to not only just earn a living but as well as spreading and sharing my thoughts to others -with honesty and sincerity, not forgetting humanity. But anyway, it is rather weird for art pieces to be sold over prices of gold -or even bombs (millions of dollars).

Back to show:

Below is my very first accomplished artwork done in oil pastel. Do you see the end of some entrance where beyond it is light (at the centre of the painting)? That is Truth -at least, a simile.

The Complexity to Truth; almost an A4 size of work

How do you tell you're on the right Path?
The Path of Truth, are you on that?
Have you discovered the Truth?
How do you tell with it fabricated with several lies & confusions?
Have you felt pain & agony through your Quest for it?
With Overcoming several liars & lies along the way?
Do you spend your life searching it or prefer the darkness?

Hope to display in RP -Oh Izuddin! YOU'RE THE BIGGERST DREAMER!!


26 October 2008

Artists -My Perception

Disclaimer: Read the article below (my post) till the end if you are men of understanding.

I remember telling Mr Chuan about arts are lies last semester during one of the lessons for Arts Criticism and Analysis. I know some art lovers in my class during that time and probably I might have perhaps offended their hearts through my opinion although I’m sure that Mr Chuan really loved to hear them –and still does (because he’s my facilitator for Anthropological Studies. Maybe I thought that artists were simply desiring attention through their impactful artwork –you never know because art always has underlying messages and people do crazy stuffs through that by even “selling their bodies” (sorry to say this) to be painted by viewers themselves; do research about ‘performance art’ if you want to know more about such “art format”.

At most we see that artworks especially paintings by some famous artists in the world such as Pablo Picasso, Vincent Van Gogh and few others (do your own research –I am not your Art Guru) leave no precise meanings in their works. All that viewers could do are making assumptions.

Well, you see –I think I just learn why few artists (and I hope they’re sincere and honest through their artwork without the intention of gaining fame but understanding) simply do crazy stuffs. I, based on my experience in life, would hint out that I am like everybody else –an ordinary human being caged within our worldly lusts with the struggle of persevering for patience through obstacles especially the foolishness and misunderstanding behaviour of people all around us.

Again I repeat –I am struggling for patience.

But like everybody else, we do not want to pick a fight with anyone and hence, we place all the blames by everyone upon ourselves –even we are innocent. Humans will simply continue to take advantage of you when you are down; in a nutshell, when you are trying to be patient of the nonsensical treatment by them. Do you see where I am getting at? Are you among them who leap on the heads of others and apportioning blame and make accusations over their exasperated and weary bodies due to the struggle of enduring deep agonies? Are you among them who refuse to take the words of the people who share knowledge with you about the truth of the world where you live like fishes in the sea, unable to swim above the surface to search what is beyond?

Are you even among those who slain the righteous people such as prophets throughout time?

Do you reject them because they are full of boredom (perhaps because they love sharing knowledge that you immediately turn off by their words as though you’re in a history class where your teacher monotonously drones from the textbook? In any case before I move on, I must congratulate you on your ignorance for the knowledge of humankind and civilisations if you are what I have asked concerning yourself a while ago.

This is not what Izuddin say; so don’t get angry with me –you choose that path where only unaware lambs heed for the route to the wolves; this you have formed a norm and influence upon the society, creating that as your rightful ideology and I am merely speaking to remind you what you have done.

Sadly among the ideology you have made it lawful for you to have the right to seize advantage over those who are patient. They are like rabbits hiding in the burrow, going and digging deeper with reluctance of biting your fingers when you provocatively poke them.

And the best part is; you suddenly let your anger loose when they retaliated –you started cursing and distant yourselves away from them (when ironically it is you who create such a commotion in the first place).

Do you get it? You start poking them by never appreciating what they have done. To worsen the situation, you have even make slanders by throwing accusations on them and all they do are doing their best in being patient.

Look –they feel as though nobody in this world understands them. They do not want to speak of their good deeds because they fear that sincerity has never been with them; they are rejecters of fame apart from the ones who live for others and not just for their own.

Get the picture? When you ill-treat them, they start calling the times they do kindness upon others.

Do I deserve all these despite all the good things I have done?” –because of you they start to lose their sincerity. In the front they are being patient and behind your backs they shoulder burdens which you would have sworn, cursed and moaned if you are in their shoes –they do all these without much complains.

Deep down inside their hearts, they yearn for someone to talk to –someone who would understand their worlds. But they are afraid because it is probably they do not want to render difficulty on others; it is even possible they are afraid of being insincere or darken their hearts with hatred and distrust, which that is eventually the result among them.

Today I realise that is probably what most artists (with pure hearts) are. Is it wrong to yearn for attention which they hope for understanding to relieve their inner selves from the cage of rubbishes cast by people?

Attention-seeking, aren’t they?

Please do not forget the fact that they leave their artworks free for all interpretations by viewers –of course, I am talking about those who pour their emotions into their works of art. They only yearn for understanding because of the ill-treatment you have on them.

They leave their art pieces in vagueness because they do not want to complain to the world like you always do all the time even with the slightest difficulty in your life. A picture paints a thousand words but they are afraid of explaining their own masterpieces as they do not want to lie; they do not want to be dishonest with you and that is why they do not want to talk in details about their paintings and actions in art.

Don’t you get it? That is how my life is although I am no painter or artist (although you may label me as “insane” since I am swift in emotions). And I am only sharing my opinion concerning the possible reasons behind artists’ what-you-call-weird sanity.

Condemn me all you want BUT don’t leave others hating the world because of your actions. And do I need to curse and use vulgarities on you lest you are men without understanding? Won’t you ponder about your actions behind the rage of people have on you?

Are you going to badmouth and slander people after this?

Have you ever thought why the famous artist Vincent Van Gogh slices his own ear lobe? Do you know what love is? Isn’t love an emotion? What does that now tell you about emotions?*

*Hint: If you want to know more, make a research to why Vincent Van Gogh had his own ear “tormented”
......"Beautiful Silence".......

18 October 2008

Truth or Lies

Peace be upon all

Before I go on typing what I have to say (out of distrust, perhaps), I would like to make an announcement –I might be changing blogs because and this time, it will no longer be in blogspot.com but some random address all due to practice of Adobe Flash for the sake of the working world (so that I can create a portfolio and get some clients to hire me –HALAL, please! No pornography or pathetic desires such as propaganda and biasness, alright!).

Before that, I know I might have affected some of you with my attitude these days especially in school or maybe towards my family. Please forgive me for my actions should they pierce your sentiments –I do not have the information of my recovery from what we, humans, are suffering from whether we realise it or not (and I will touch on that later –in fact, that is what I want to talk about for today’s post).

I do not want to blame anyone –but it is rather sad and hurtful to watch yourselves unable to control the corruptions and confusions happening all around you and hence, you grow hostile towards everyone. Time and space hath made me this way... (do I sound poetic?)

But I still believe there is goodness in us despite the time of tribulations we are facing. Without further ado, I would like to share my readers a piece of poem I have pieced (may Allah bless me with a pure and true sincerity).

Tell me…

What is Truth?
Where and from whom did you learn the Truth?
How do you determine that is Truth?
Show me your proof that it is Truth!

Are you really sure that’s the Truth?

Have men altered it?
Have they, with lies, fabricated it?
Remained are the contents they see fit
Denied and altered are the things they see as limit

Throughout time men turn greedy –
–Breaking everyone’s unity!
–Turning the world into conspiracy!
–Filling everything with uncertainty!

O Humans, can’t you see?
You’ve been misled by the things you see!
–with their so-called liberty
–and their media full of uncertainty!

And you believe in it?

You prefer believing in lies to seeking the Truth?!
Or you want me to show you proof?!


Why do people get bored when we speak of religions –
–Whenever we discuss about histories and civilisations –
–But FUN like crazy when creating HOT TOPICS under entertainments?

“Ignorance is bliss,” that’s what people say!
Don’t you think you’ve been led astray –
– So that the elites will have no one standing in their way?!
With your mind and soul controlled, where will you stay?!


Or rather…

Humans embrace the Darkness but fear the Light


That is all for now -if you want me to prove you more, you have got to look around and see what is amiss in the world. Do you NOT think it is weird for us to be enjoying ourselves on earth while there are people oppressed in some parts of the world -or even your very own country? Do you not think it is kind of weird to listen only to what the politicians have got to say while ignore and condemn those who are telling the truth?

Music, movies, TVs... do you think all these really help? Ponder in your hearts and question yourself what have these changed your life for the better? SEX; VIOLENCE; LIES; TERRORISM (quite irony that only Muslims are labelled as terrorists -have you ever questioned of all the immoralities taught by the very country who made such claims, the America?) -YES, LOVE SEX AND VIOLENCE BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT WE ARE SEEING EVERYDAY!

Bad guys are now enjoying trillions cups of popcorns behind our backs as they watch the world suffers in their hands -cool!

But Allah knows best

While they plot, Allah plans as well; for the best of planners is Allah

[And by the way, Allah is your daily eternal One God whom you worship disregard of which religion you belong; because 'Allah' means God in Arabic -even the Christians in Arab call God by that name]

20 September 2008


Peace be upon all

I’m just going to keep things short.

All this while, I’ve been patient and do my very best in restraining myself from hating anyone. It’s not easy to be forgiving, not to mention remain close on those whom you dislike most just because you want to create a love between you and him when there is a burning hatred in the inside you.

I don’t really want to complain about my life –but it seems like everyone’s having a fun in poking me with a needle in the heart! I would enjoy the tickle on my stomach but a piercing needle through my heart? If you ask me, I would be glad to spend a period of my life cursing and damning those who wrong upon me by praying to Him.

But that doesn’t sound right –since when has Islam taught Muslims to hate others?

Yeah –I don’t want to moan about the obstacles I’ve got to overcome owing the fact that there are those who suffer worst than I do. But is it fair of me not being angry on those who did wrong to me? For God’s sake, I’m a human and don’t let me run out of patience –don’t me curse and damn those wrongdoers out there! God is watching, really!

I can’t stand it anymore… Being betrayed, being accused, and being out of place with the smug everyone’s wearing –how I hate the arrogance of human beings especially when they spare no thoughts of those inferior that them as well as not being grateful of what they have; I am not exception.

You may have come across people who claim that they love others –I dare you laugh if you come across such people who do so in their blogs. But at the end of the day, only Allah knows how sincere their hearts are.

But there’s no reason why the world should betray me that I feel I’m restrained from having a bright future –and the source is always the humans. And I’m not surprised since men have proven themselves arrogant and ignorant through history –what’s with the slaying of righteous people such as the prophets and changed their teachings for the greed of mankind’s own gain?

I’m stressed up… I never told anyone about all the things I’ve got to face saved a few. But it hurts me deeply that patience takes a cloth to wipe the oozing blood of the heart, which I’m sounding it’s almost impossible.

Please… don’t accuse me of such things… Don’t lie to me; it’s everyone’s honesty that I want. Don’t have to call me egoistic because no matter how much I try to hide the things about myself, there are portions that are left bared and if I’ve made or lead you to have a certain perception of me, I won’t blame you. If that’s what you see in me, I won’t lie because I won’t deny I’m a human as well.

I, like everybody else, have weaknesses and the saddest part is; no man recognises his strength and weakness. We all live in a world fraught of lies.

I’ve been betrayed… I’ve been accused with no one to understand me. I feel as though I’m out of place when friends whom I trust and used to share my problem have their own cliques to share their happiness. I’m always the one without a slice of their cake.

If you understand me, it’s not your attention that I need. I just hope nobody would ever accuse or mistreat me. All I want is to love people; not curse and damn them through supplications to God. Please… I don’t want to do all those stuffs. I’m a human being and you know better that human’s patience has its limitations.

I don’t want to complain… My tears are for no one but myself… You all see me alright exteriorly.

Have you ever thought of the soul beneath the flesh?

I’m always here… Not everybody else does the same…
So others may
You may contact me if you ever need a listening ear, for I’ll be one

[This post is generally for everyone, no specific person is targeted]


10 September 2008


Peace be upon all
Come, O Beloved
The thought of You gains me strength & hope
You come in a speed greater than of light at the cries of ours
Your aid knows no boundaries
No nation do You leave helpless

Come, O Eternal
In the trial of faith I was
Yet You stood watching over me

I held my faith clasped in my hand…
….Like a shattered soul clinging in nothingness
The media; neither proofs nor evidences…
…provided to the masses
…Who among them are those fooled by liars
I was among them in the path of darkness

The Light’s absence…
…renders me soulless
And Your aid appears…
…Through the mouths of my brothers
Words of theirs full of righteousness…
…Bring proofs & evidences

Let not the love disappears…
…Within the pure hearts of my brothers & sisters
Gain us unity even in darkness
Let not out faith disappears

The Last Hour appears
Let not our unity falters

Lend us Your strength!
Lend us Your strength!
Lend us Your strength!

May the Wrath of Yours be upon the oppressors!
May the Curse of Yours be upon the liars!

Before that…

May the Guidance of Yours be upon them…
…lest they may turn in repentance
Allah Knows Best
While they plan, Allah plans as well; for the best of Planners is Allah

15 July 2008


I couldn't help myself. I do hope you come and visit here. I even doubt if you ever know that I have a blog. And I wonder if you have visited here even once.

I sent you a poem this morning… I said it was meant for you, for I made it when I thought how distressed you were last Saturday. I tried asking you how you felt and you said you’re ok. I wonder if you’re concealing a truth just because there’s a gap between us… Or were you really alright? Are you still in a good shape even now?

Or are there secrets among us because you and I are only friends? We see each other almost everyday in school and I do still feel I’m like nobody seeming that you are rather closer with your friends from the school’s IG.

I didn’t mean to cause you feel awkward with the confession I made. I understand how stressful you’ve been… You said so in your personal message of your email address whenever you sign into MSN that you need a break. I told you this morning that when you are sick of everything, I want to be with you for anything –it’s true… I really want to…

But every single day, I almost find no words to say. That’s because I greatly fear with the presence of people all around us. I’m more comfortable when there’s just you and me in a room –I feel as though we can chat all day. I do not dare myself to confront you at times –I feel it’s rather right of me to speak to you across the room only because I’m afraid that you might suspect of me having affection for you.

You know –I wish I can share with you why or how I turn out to have this sentiment for you. I always hope that we could both be close friends. But how can that be possible when we do not even talk to each other much? All we always discussed were the day’s problems –it’s like as though friends in RP are passers-by. We’ll just end up drifting apart in weeks to come –but I’ve always been praying we could still be friends. I wish we could trust each other that we’re willing to be listening ears for one another. It’s true… it’s really true… I told you once in the bus that the most painful to say is “goodbye”…

I don’t want to say that to you. Day by day, you never know that I often stare at you and when our eyes meet, I am always hoping to smile at you. I always ask you if I could walk with you to school or home after when your IG training ends.

You’re truly the nicest person I’ve ever met in my life –I don’t know if you would even drop by here to read what I’ve written for you.

The story of mine has never often ended in a happy ending… It’s easy for others to say that I should let go of this feeling –I feel stung deep inside. To hold on is already agonising… to let go is as though having sharp spears piercing through my heart. What else do I have? I tried cherishing every moment I have with you despite being some little talks like “how are you”…

I really care for you… Do you remember the poem I sent you this morning?

The world is ever moving
The crowds are always chattering
In a street I see you sobbing

While I watch you running...
...Behind you I try pacing
I try reaching

When I see you walking
I'm still standing
And I see you crying

All alone you are standing
With fear I come walking
To console you I am hoping

Please be standing...
...For I am here when you are crying...
...Hoping for comforting

When you are sick of everything...
...I want to be with you for anything

I’m sorry to have bothered you so much. I tried not talking to you… It’s really painful… painful because the picture of you is always running in my mind. If you would like to know… the poem has yet to end. Please have another look at it again.

I sent to you in Microsoft Word format. Try highlight them all –you’ll learn that there are two more verses at the bottom where its fonts are in white. Switch its colour to black or any dark colour and you’ll find something.

This is how I feel… because I know that I’m not that close to you. I love being your friend and if it’s possible I want to be your true one who listens to your cries and taste the warmth of your tears, not enjoying your laughter. I want to be here and there for you but how can I even do so when I’m deprived of the chances of being closer to you? How can I even be your friend, then? Whenever I ask to walk home with you, it’s always the same friend who takes over my place… I wonder how then we can be closer…

I’m not really trying to scare you or anything… I just wish we could truly be friends –I want to be with you whenever you’re troubled and celebrate your blissful moments. The reason why I could do nothing but standing is because I’m not close to you…

I half-hope that you would ever come across this post…

Because if you do… I want to confess that I think…

…I’m in love with you

02 April 2008

The Film of Falsehood -Fitna

It isn’t very easy to live as Muslim these days. With Mas Selamat, alleged head of the Singapore branch of Jemaah Islamiyah (some notorious group who claims to be fighting for Islam but as a matter of fact, against it when it carries out acts of violence, which is not allowed in Islam) gone missing after escaping from detention on 27th February 2008, I started to feel a little discomfortuneasy would perhaps be a better word.

This may sound like some old news but let us grasp the fact that one man represents thousands of symbols. By joining the circle of Jemaah Islamiyah, anyone has actually created a mindset of Jihad and sadly, the term of Jihad is often to be misinterpreted by most people who thought it as some kind of a holy war that promotes bloodsheds among the infidels of Islam –and as a Muslim, I say it is untrue. Jihad has a deeper meaning.

I thought life was getting easier to cope as days passed by as I went about sleeping at home, immobile from out of town most of the time and continuing my daily routine of going to the internet everyday to read some articles and so on.

But it wasn’t so unlucky until recently.

The action
of the politician Geert Wilders is terribly disturbing, not to mention creating an uproar among the people in the world especially the Muslims. The film entitled Fitna, made by the abovementioned politician (see his picture on the left), is fraught of the verses of the Holy Qur’an states that Islam is a religion that practices violence and bloodshed.

I wasn’t quite happy about it along with the rest of the world who sees Islam as a religion of peace and love.

It is not about my own perception here –it is about the fact, for you could find people who understand Islam would reveal that it is actually a religion of peace.

Islam does not promote violence; it enjoins peace and love among people despite of differences. While Geert used verses of the Qur’an that encourage Muslims to spread discord and endless bloodshed in the society as a mean of propaganda, he has yet to study the Qur’an itself; for there are verses which encourage Muslims to create concord and NOT the contrary.

Killing is an act of sin in Islam which is even said in the Qur’an that goes;

‘…if someone kills another person –unless it is in retaliation for someone else or for causing corruption in the earthit is as if he had murdered all mankind. And if anyone gives life to another person, it is as if he had given to all mankind…’ (Qur’an, 5:32)

And thus, God says that if anyone kills someone unjustly, it is as if he had murdered all mankind. To murder at least one person is totally opposed to the teaching of the Holy Qur’an.

It is truly upsetting that Geert Wilders had only shown a portion of the Qur’an but not all. If he does, he would then grasp an understanding that Islam does not practice violence at all. While there are scenes in Fitna that displays the gory committed by some irresponsible Muslims who so-called fight for Islam, such people are hypocrites. They are the terrorists who seek to create confusion and bloodshed by opening the door of pandemonium to set loose fear and hatred among people so that they could point their guns at each other and pull the triggers to summon death.

They, the terrorists, are the people who against Islam are similitude to a gang of nine men who planned to murder the Prophet by swearing in the name of God:

There was a gang of nine men in the city causing corruption in the land and not putting things right. They said, “Let us make an oath to one another by God that we will fall on him and his family in the night and then say to his protector; ‘We did not witness the destruction of his family and we are telling the truth.’” They hatched a plot and We hatched a plot while they were not aware. (Qur’an, 27: 48-50)

By killing the innocents, the terrorists are actually AGAINST the words of God and the Prophet who brought forth the religion of peace.

Quoted in Harun Yahya’s Islam Denounces Terrorism;

As this incident [the verse of Qur’an, 27: 48-50] described in the Qur’an reveals, the fact that people do things “in the name of God” or even swear in His name, in other words that they use the kind of language designed to show themselves as very religious, does not mean that what they do is in conformity with religion. On the contrary, what they do can be quite against the will of God and the morality of religion. The truth of the matter lies in their actions. If their actions are “causing corruption and not putting things right”, as the verse reveals, then you can be sure that these people cannot be truly religious, and that their aim is not to serve religion.

Therefore, do not be deceived by the people who claim to be fighting for Islam through violence especially the bands of Al-Qaeda, Jemaah Islamiyah and other associations of terrorism. Verily, they are corrupters of the world.

Yet, it is such a sorrow when the world starts to have a change of mindset towards Islam when one man commits an act of violence with the guise of someone carrying out Jihad. One man represents thousands of symbols –whenever the person beside you commits an action, he or she symbolises for his or her ancestors and descendants; the deeds s/he has committed renders others to look up at who s/he is.

One man commits a sin is more than enough to render others think negatively for he who he is –he will disgrace the name of his ancestors, his offspring, his family, his friends, the body of a group he is in such as schools, his race, his religion, his nation, the country he lives in and others.

It is not a religion or a symbol itself that makes it sardonic; it is the one who practices it. Because of one’s action, people will judge according to who he is –like what happened to Islam when a bunch of terrorists painted a bad name for it due to their actions.

Thus, the religion Islam has never been encouraging Muslims to perform violence –it is the people itself. How could Islam be such a religion that causes bloodsheds when there is a verse in the Qur’an that informs the Muslims to be good towards wrongdoers?
“A good action and a bad action are not the same. Repel the bad with something better and, if there is enmity between you and someone else, he will be like a bosom friend.” (Qur’an, 41:34)

“The repayment of a bad action is one equivalent to it. But if someone pardons and puts things right, his reward is with God. Certainly He does not love wrongdoers.” (Qur’an, 42:40)

In another verse, God described believers as; “those who give in times of both ease and hardship, those who control their rage and pardon other people –God loves the good-doers” (Qur’an, 3:134)

Therefore, what the film Fitna shows is a misleading propaganda that inflames hatred among people. If anyone wishes to learn more Islam, he or she should not accept what s/he hears or listens –s/he should study the Qur’an. Historians studied Islam and they said it is the religion of peace. The documentary entitled Islam Empire of Faith explains it all the history of Islam.


14 March 2008

The Converted American

I was really touched… Mesmerised by the words of a Muslim I was when I sought the truth from him…

An American he is who comes to Singapore. It is only a week before he gets married with a Singaporean and sadly, it is only a matter of time before him and his future wife head back to his homeland. Yet, it has been such a great moment of me to have met and even questioned him out of my curiosity.

As a matter of fact, curiosity has been lingering in my mind all this while… a curiosity which I am dying to know… a curiosity which I feel it is worth of me to seek an answer to it.

And the night came.

A week ago during my night class, I learnt that the fair-complexioned man whose eyes are bright blue is actually a converted –he is an American Muslim! And a while ago, I was walking home with him from this week’s class with the question I had been dreading to ask all this while.

When being asked what made him converted to Islam, it was no ordinary answer he gave –it was not even for the sake of marriage did he convert.

It was the Truth that he sought… the Truth which was a long process for him to obtain… the Truth he is now holding onto his soul, never to let it go even if death bestrides him. And he is truly an exemplary model in life to remind me that there is no other religion which as similitude as Islam, the Right Religion –in a nutshell, the Way of Life… the Way which all livings in the entire universe should adopt as their most precious belief.

Continue reading this post, O Readers especially if you are a Muslim! Do not stop! This piece of story is based on reality, not any fictitious ones which any of you have watched in cinemas!

An American he might be but his odyssey in seeking the Truth is beyond the wildest imagination of any single ordinary-thinking man living around especially in Singapore (I daresay). It was a long process before he finally chose to adopt Islam as his Way of Life, for I believe he spent years before he came to Islam.

He spent his time learning different religions or beliefs and among them was Darwinism (if I remember correctly) before he chose Islam. I was rather impressed when he said that Islam makes lots of sense (in speaking of Truth).

What truly fascinates me is when he said, if I remembered correctly; “I don’t see Islam as a religion –I see it as a Way of Life” and a sudden indescribable happiness swept passed me as I was caught in astonishment over such a reply. All Praises to Allah!

In addition, I was utterly shameful of myself when he conceded that it took him a year to study the Quran! All Praises to Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful!

O my brothers and sisters of Islam! Let this story be reached to your hearts as far as it could go! Let it be revealed and spread among ourselves to serve us a reminder that Islam is the religion of Truth. No! Let me take my words back –Islam is the Way of Life, the Truth, the Light that conquers the darkness in and guidance over a soul who wanders astray!

How shameful it is for us who are already born Muslims when among us are sent for recitations of Quran and yet we do not complete reciting its thirty parts! Yet an American brother, who now embraces Islam fully, could study the Quran within a year along with collecting its verses! Subhanallah!

How shameful it is for us who are already born Muslims when among us are sent for religious classes and yet we gain no knowledge of Islam moreover when it is the Way of Life –the Truth – we are speaking of! Yet an American brother, who spent years of studying different beliefs and religions knows a vast knowledge of Islam, not to mention embracing it fully!

How shameful it is for us who are already born Muslims when among us know not even what Islam is when our brother, a converted, could share with us his vast knowledge about it!

O beloved Brothers and Sisters! Let it be again a reminder over your minds that there is no other Way of Life of than Islam alone! Break not the covenant that has been sent to you as a True Guidance over all that exists and comes from the past, present or future! Let the oath of “There is no God except Allah” be glued to our hearts from the beginning till the end –although there is no end!

Let us be grateful that we do now have the most Truest Guidance of all brought down by our Most Merciful Lord Allah! Let us hesitate not to kneel and cry before Him with our hands raised high in the sky in seeking His Blessings and Forgiveness! Let us constantly remind each other so that we shall never be deviated from the Path of Heaven –the Path of Truth!


O Allah, You are my Lord! None has the right to be worshipped but You. You created me and I am Your slave, and I am faithful to my covenant and my promise to You as much as I can. I seek refuge with You from all the evil I have done.

I acknowledge before You all the blessings You have bestowed upon me, and I confess to You all my sins. So I entreat You to forgive my sins, for nobody can forgive sins except You!
•·.·´¯`·.·•[Below By Caliph Omar Ibn' al-Khattab:]•·.·´¯`·.·•
Help me with your sound advice. If I follow the right path laid down by God and His Prophet follow me. If I deviate, correct me. Strengthen me with your advice and suggestions. Let us pray for the glory of Islam.

03 March 2008


Human is a trinity…
…Of an Animal, Devil and Angel

His Animality…
Fights only for survival…
And roams about his liberty

Aided by Devil…
…He commits sins and iniquity

However, in him is an Angel…
That subdues his Deviltry
…with penitence

A heavenly being is Angel…
…Who commits only good deeds and shows benignity

Among Animal, Devil and Angel
Which are thee?
  • The abovementioned poem created by me is hoped to be served as a remembrance of what we are who we should be including you and me (be like an Angel, pleeeeaaassseee).
  • All credits to Imam Ghazali (a friend told me that the description above is one of the things he thought of)
  • All Praises be to Allah, Most Gracious Most Merciful for giving me ideas in coming with the poem (purify my soul and cleanse away my sins!)

Let us now move on with our lives with a commitment to improve on ourselves.

Let us change for the better, not the worst.

"Help me with your sound advice. If I follow the right path laid down by God and His Prophet follow me. If I deviate, correct me. Strengthen me with your advice and suggestions. Let us pray for the glory of Islam."

-Caliph Omar Ibn' al-Khattab

21 February 2008

Invalidity of Evolution Theory

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09 February 2008

The Lonely Soul In a Misunderstanding and Never-Understanding World

I have being patient all this while... being patient to everything that has occured on me. It's because I know that this is not my world but everyone's world.

But tonight is when I've to confess to everyone that I've had enough... enough of all the misunderstandings taking place all around me especially the unreasonable scoldings I've always been receiving from my mother all this while.

We were only making on our way to Bedok's Corner when my mother spoke harshly to me about reading books while walking. I know it was only a small matter but couldn't she speak more nicely? Yes, I know all of you out there will think of me as someone who complain about especially some who think of me "tak boleh kene siket" (and these group of words have a broad meaning; cannot be joked about or spoke harshly at).

You'll never understand me and will continue to think of me like what I said above because you've never even spare a thought to why people like me behave in such a manner.

You despise the helpless ones out there and even give bad names to people who are suffering from senility WITHOUT even asking yourself what cause them to be that way! And you even have the courage to despise and make wrong judgements of them further.

I don't know why... At times, I am always scolded unreasonably at home. I, just like many of you out there, am stressed of having lots of thoughts in my mind and workloads to be done. Sometimes, I was scolded when I just got home from -anywhere! I was like "I just came back, tired of what I'd done outside! Can't you give me a break?"

Honestly, my mom and I had two rows of arguments tonight -one was on the way for a family dinner while the other during the dinner itself. They were just trivia but come to think about it, I'd always been the victim of them!

Like I said, I'm always scolded reasonably and when I answered back (although I confessed that I was harsh too but -hey, why must she spoke to me in a harsh voice without even speaking to me nicely? That would make me sit down and listen to her melodious voice!), she would throw these words:

"Eh! Jawab baik-baik!" that's what she retorted, if I could remember correctly. In English, the dialogue means; reply (or speak) nicely.

I would then reply; "You always spoke harshly!" and I'm not going to give an exact Malay translation in hopes of not getting involved in Fitnah (making accusations).

What's next was, she would often say; "Does that mean you've to speak harshly as well?" And honestly, she would often add "An insolent child!" and that part obviously means well "Anak kurang-ajar!" in Malay.

I just can't take it anymore! I didn't mean to scold anyone but I always ask myself this; how can I be a good child when my mother, the one whom I sympathise of the sufferings she's in through from years of migraine, did not show me a good example?

I know that she's been giving all the provisions I need... But as a child, I need more than that... I need a role model to show good examples... I've been wondering... Am I being too patient because my father is one?

Really, every night, my heart saddens while busy with my laptop (and she's on the dinner table) when I heard her cried: "Sakitnye kepale ni... Bile lah nak baik..." (My head is so painful... When will this end...).

Every night, I watch her taking the same pills over again and again in hopes of obliterating the agony she's been suffering from migraine all these years. As I watch, my heart gains more sympathy towards the dear woman who gave birth to me. I grow more grateful to all the sacrifices she's made for me that I'd even started washing most of the plates and cups almost every night before I go to bed to ease her burden a little.

But just imagine if you, putting yourself in my shoes, being falsely accused and scolded unreasonably at times -I've bore patience for quite some time... towards my family... towards the world... towards the realisations I've learnt from this beautiful-but-ugly world!

I wondered what makes my brother often says to my mother that she'll never understand him and I've finally found the reason why -because she's never been understanding! You never know -my brother too has personal problems and I desire not to share with anyone about as I do have a deep concealed dignity for him. And now... I'm just facing the same situations as he'd ever done. My brother is an adult of early 30s, if I'm not mistaken... He's working just like any other adults of his age. SO, don't think that his problems are/were as trivia as yours especially the teenagers out there.

I'm really sincere in loving this world and even as I speak, no one will EVER understand me! Among you, there will be people who will say about me; "Si dia ni berbual 'world'" or "macam paham aje"

In translation: "He speaks as if he's clever" and "as if he understands"

Weeks ago or even a month ago, if my calculations do not fail me, a friend whom I've only found out she's my distant relative told me this:

"ure doing something good n nice n u tell ppl abt it

"isnt it the same as.. boast? bangga diri?

"actions speaks louder my dear

"u dont have to tell just do ppl will know"

But if any of you realise, there are at times whereby sincerity is inexpressible that even if you display it, others may have a wrong perspective of you... They, the people of the world, won't just understand you!

I want to love my mother as someone who's ever suffered for 9 months of bearing me in her womb, who's breastfed me, who's cooked most of my favourite dishes daily and everything else that a lovely mother has sacrificed for her child.

But she just won't understand... Scolding me, accusing me unreasonably even outside! I know that some of you out there hate me and even worst, don't even bother about correcting my mistakes, claiming that "you should follow your heart" (do villains follow their hearts to find out if they are in the wrong? Do unknowledgeable people like me know what's my mistakes? If I do, I would have discovered the piles of sins I've committed a few seconds ago!).

You know what? Everytime I replied or spoke harshly back to my mother, a deep remorse would linger within me. But nobody sees it saved Allah! In my prayers, I would pray for my parents. But nobody sees me! When I led a congregational prayer, I've never recited prayers for them unless I'm on my own!

I wept... I cried... in seeking forgiveness from the One who is Oft-Forgiving... but nobody realises it because I'm ALL alone in my room! I even hide away my tears from everyone, possibly because they won't understand me or I don't want to burden them. I skipped Silat training at times just because to avoid my mother's nag about attending for it (possibly because I'd skipped the weekly lessons of recitation of Quran in the past).

There was once she ran amok.. I wept and only my brother understood me of my burdens for school moreover I am now a tertiary student. That was on the day when I first bought my first hard disk.

What makes me think alot... This world as it is... Full of sins it has been... Dirted by the hands of we, humans, it has been... Aged people or "worthless ones" such as the beggars are lay forlorn in the streets...

It's because of my observations about this world that renders me lots of thoughts... I've always want to learn about the purpose of my existence and Islam has led me to all this through the world. It's hard for me to explain everything as my life is truly complicated...

I've my destiny. At the same time, I've my ambitions. Yet, I've less clues in how to fulfill them both being lost in both worlds of Destiny and Freedom. I want my freedom... yet I just couldn't! I envy of people outside there who roam about their freedom WITHOUT even sparing a thought of the unfortunate ones... without even thinking about their future... without even knowing if what they are doing is right or wrong as they lead a life similitude to animals; living just to survive by all means without even embroiding it meaningfully.

I know that there are people out there who have undergone worst than in my state and that's why I want to help them! I don't know... but I guess I'm created for this purpose... This is my existence... I've sinned throughout my life... I want to repent... I don't know if my sins have been forgiven and that's why I'm doing all this! At the same time, it's human nature to help others...

NO! I'm a good person AT ALL! I'm a bad one! I've hurt the feelings of the girl whom I've falling in love with all this while... For time she's beein avoiding me and the fact that she's graduated from my tertiary now renders me into a life of gloom. I've my parents feelings... I feel as though it'd best to leave everyone so that no one would be at harm...

I just do whatever I could... to help others... to fulfil my destiny and turn my dreams into reality...

I don't want attention...

I don't need compliments and flatteries...

I don't want people to help me as I know they're all busy with their own lives...

I don't need or want people to create a memorial or write an epitath on my tombstone...

I don't want to be glorified...

I don't want people to know I really am... To those who think of me as immatured, I would like to thank you as I've succeeded in concealing my true identity...

I just want people to understand me of all the pain I've been through...

But as I say so... nobody would... because after all... the one who face all these troubles is me... not you or any of those who know me...

I love Allah... But I don't want to love my mother just because of Him -I want to love her and the rest of the world as my sense of gratitude to what I've been flourished with...

I love this world... and that's why I want to help you out there especially my Muslim friends who have not started even to be obliged by the Commandments of Allah... Come to thin about them, I'm of no different from them. No -I'm EVEN WORST than them! While I've knowledge about religion, I do still commit sins... How different am I to them, who do not even know anything? It is an irony if you can think of a someone who has knowledge but doesn't imply what he's learnt compared to those who don't have any...

I love everyone in this world... Whenever I want to hate someone, I am forced to like that person... I don't know why... I don't even understand why... Or rather, I don't even understand why I restraint my hatred from spreading like worms in computers or viruses... Whether is it because of the kind treatments given by the beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) on a particular Jew despite hurting him so much, I don't know...

I care for everyone... And I don't want to share my problems with anyone at all...

I can't hate anyone... not to mention despising as well... If I do, then I am of no different -or EVEN WORST- than a madman running down the street. While he is senile, wandering about without any conscience, I am here being sinful when my mind is clear and full of conscience...

I don't need any sympathy... I just need understanding...

I don't need an eptipath or praises...

I don't need happiness or enjoyment, for they lie in the result of me succeeding in helping others and pleasing my Lord.

I don't need people to thank me... for I'm just fulfilling my destiny as who I am...

Let me help you when you're in need... Understand me when you are given the chance to do so... Pray for my happiness in this world and the Hereafter when you've the chance to do so...

Blame me not but guide me to right path with every sin and mistake committed by me...

Let me love with you with all my heart despite whoever you are...

Please... let me understand you... all of you...

I don't care whoever or wherever you are... just let me love you...

Should any of you witness my death, burn my corpse into ashes and cast half of the amount onto the sea and the other half onto the land. Verily, I'm ashamed of confronting Allah of all the sins I've done in this world...

About Me

Graduated from Diploma in New Media Republic Polytechnic As art is one of my interests, so as doing graphic design. This blog serves as a portfolio of my works. For inquiries, send an email to yami_izuddin@hotmail.com. Do not add me in MSN; strangers will not be entertained. P.S: This blog is only temporary as my website will be up not-so-soon