03 March 2008


Human is a trinity…
…Of an Animal, Devil and Angel

His Animality…
Fights only for survival…
And roams about his liberty

Aided by Devil…
…He commits sins and iniquity

However, in him is an Angel…
That subdues his Deviltry
…with penitence

A heavenly being is Angel…
…Who commits only good deeds and shows benignity

Among Animal, Devil and Angel
Which are thee?
  • The abovementioned poem created by me is hoped to be served as a remembrance of what we are who we should be including you and me (be like an Angel, pleeeeaaassseee).
  • All credits to Imam Ghazali (a friend told me that the description above is one of the things he thought of)
  • All Praises be to Allah, Most Gracious Most Merciful for giving me ideas in coming with the poem (purify my soul and cleanse away my sins!)

Let us now move on with our lives with a commitment to improve on ourselves.

Let us change for the better, not the worst.

"Help me with your sound advice. If I follow the right path laid down by God and His Prophet follow me. If I deviate, correct me. Strengthen me with your advice and suggestions. Let us pray for the glory of Islam."

-Caliph Omar Ibn' al-Khattab

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About Me

Graduated from Diploma in New Media Republic Polytechnic As art is one of my interests, so as doing graphic design. This blog serves as a portfolio of my works. For inquiries, send an email to yami_izuddin@hotmail.com. Do not add me in MSN; strangers will not be entertained. P.S: This blog is only temporary as my website will be up not-so-soon