"According to Albert Einstein, 'The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing'. Do you agree with him?" -Question adapted from one of my Reflection Journals I wrote for the day's lesson for schoolLong ago in the time forgotten by man, the world was once such a peaceful one ever since the genesis of mankind. However, as the population of humans began to grow, this world that was once filled with the majestic beauty of serenity had become a dangerous dwelling for such civilisation when men began tainting it with variety of wrongdoings including theft, murder, treason and billions of others that bear the sole purpose of eradicating humanity even in the era that we are in now.
it is NOT of those who commit wrongdoings who are at fault BUT
ignorant ones. Surprising it could be but the fact would remain as it is and the truth must be unveiled to the world for the sake of humanity. The words of mine that were previously mentioned are my support and agreement for the words of wisdom concurred by the most renowned and great scientist named Albert Einstein.
According to him,
“the world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing” and truly indeed, such remarkable statement is a reflection of what it is today. To prove this theory as the truth, bring a woman who has recently given birth to a child and let him do what he pleases including the shattering of vases, vandalism on the walls and any other intolerable habits usually acted by a child without taking concern to his actions. Leave him as he may and ignore his mistakes –you will eventually see the evolution of a mischievous kid to a dangerous man due to lack of morality. Now, the first question that you would be asking yourself if you catch that man in the act of wrongdoing would definitely, ‘Whose womb did he come from?’ or ‘did his mother not teach him anything?’
Soccer couches have to take the blame over the arrogance of his players apart from the blame apportioned on the mother, a country is been labelled as unclean when its residents refuse to keep it litter-free simply by ignoring thrashes laid on the floor, a government is at fault at every corruption in the society. A teacher is regarded as irresponsible when the class achieved devastating marks for every test or fails to keep the class well-mannered and a team is simply been held responsible for not accomplishing most of the tasks assigned by the facilitator in class.
Could there be a reason to why most of these people failed to come up with reasonable explanations?
It is simply because of what they did, which is
NOTHING! If you saw a thief snatching a handbag from a helpless old lady and refuse to either after him, phone the police or do anything that could help justice served, do you not think that the probability of the thief repeating his deeds will increase since he is not behind the bars or be dealt according to justice? If you went into a room with small amounts of litters on the floor, do you not think that it would be severely littered with those existed litters are left unattended? If you, as a teacher, spotted misbehaviour in a student, do you not think that he or she will eventually get worsen with him or her is left as he or she is?
Some religions stated that it is a sin to ignore the wrongdoings of others, for the group of people who spotted others in error refuse to guide them into path of light as they are being ignorant. What could be the possible reason? An
undesired and
terrible outcome would befall on them.
The abovementioned statement may sound frightening or rather “strict” and therefore, I will give another example since it may sound that I am being prejudice when I am actually not; there is a possibility that someone who was often bullied would conceal his anger and hatred within him along with the newborn greed for power so that he would one day dominate almost everything in his sight may pose as a threat to all of us the moment he is been given the privilege that satisfies his lust for power. This happens when the situation of the victim is been left ignored. Therefore, at the end of the day if he mistreats us using his newfound strength, it is us to be blamed in the first place for not doing anything.
Another example would be; pollution that occurs in our everyday life. How many of us will bring up this matter to the World Health Organization or any other health authority if we spot a furnace producing harmful gases into the air? Is it not evil of those who ignore the situation and treat it as it’s-none-of-my-problem thing and nothing-will-happen? Mind you, for it WILL be your problem and SOMETHING will definitely happen if the situations are left as they were –sooner or later the world will face a global warming and suffer other terrible fates such “greenhouse effect” and others. It is only the matter of time before we start realising that it is actually our fault all along for ignoring and doing naught to the already diseased environment. Why could somebody not take the initiative in creating awareness?
it is us who make the world as a dangerous place for everyone –we are the ones who are evil simply by ignoring and doing nothing. Imagine that all criminals in this world are not caught and no one bothers to do anything to stop them –would that not lead the world to be overruled by crime because of our ignorance?
Those who simply looked on and DID NOTHING had incurred a worst choice in their lives by making
default. Instead of doing anything beneficial, they simply allow something to happen. By doing nothing, they had made a choice, and the results might not be what they wanted, which was meant by “terrible outcome would befall on them” as mentioned earlier.