11 January 2008

1429H, The New Islamic Year

Comes now a New Year...
...As we grow older...
...With Death looms nearer
Never should we let our Faith falter
But raise it Higher

In the New Year...
...Let not our Faith falter
...But raise it Higher...
...For Allah whom we love & fear

Do not wither!
For we shall seek the Path of Heaven together
So that we can abide in the Paradise of Hereafter!

O Muslims from all over the continents and regions of the World! I wish you ALL a BLISSFUL NEW YEAR OF ISLAM 1429H!
Let us together increase our Faith, love and fear in Allah S.W.T, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful! Let us make a new Hijrah by committing less sins (I have no idea how it is possible NOT to commit any sins, anyway), be steadfast in our Prayers and increase our acts of Good Deeds. Let us make committments and start fulfilling them!
May Allah shower us with His blessings! May Allah rise us from fallen and strive for the best and Greater Good! May Allah purify our souls and cleanse our sins away!
"Then you remember Me; I will remember you. Be grateful to Me, and do not reject Faith."
- Al-Baqarah, verse 152

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About Me

Graduated from Diploma in New Media Republic Polytechnic As art is one of my interests, so as doing graphic design. This blog serves as a portfolio of my works. For inquiries, send an email to yami_izuddin@hotmail.com. Do not add me in MSN; strangers will not be entertained. P.S: This blog is only temporary as my website will be up not-so-soon