An America

As a matter of fact, curiosity has been lingering in my mind all this while… a curiosity which I am dying to know… a curiosity which I feel it is worth of me to seek an answer to it.
And the night came.
A week ago during my night class, I learnt that the fair-complexioned man whose eyes are bright blue is actually a converted –he is an American Muslim! And a while ago, I was walking home with him from this week’s class with the question I had been dreading to ask all this while.
When being asked what made him converted to Islam, it was no ordinary answer he gave –it was not even for the sake of marriage did he convert.

It was the Truth that he sought… the Truth which was a long process for him to obtain… the Truth he is now holding onto his soul, never to let it go even if death bestrides him. And he is truly an exemplary model in life to remind me that there is no other religion which as similitude as Islam, the Right Religion –in a nutshell, the Way of Life… the Way which all livings in the entire universe should adopt as their most precious belief.
Continue reading this post, O Readers especially if you are a Muslim! Do not stop! This piece of story is based on reality, not any fictitious ones which any of you have watched in cinemas!
An American he might be but his odyssey in seeking the Truth is beyond the wildest imagination of any single ordinary-thinking man living around especially in Singapore (I daresay). It was a long process before he finally chose to adopt Islam as his Way of Life, for I believe he spent years before he came to Islam.
He spent his time learning different religions or beliefs and among them was Darwinism (if I remember correctly) before he chose Islam. I was rather impressed when he said that Islam makes lots of sense (in speaking of Truth).
What truly fascinates me is when he said, if I remembered correctly; “I don’t see Islam as a religion –I see it as a Way of Life” and a sudden indescribable happiness swept passed me as I was caught in astonishment over such a reply. All Praises to Allah!
In addition, I was utterly shameful of myself when he conceded that it took him a year to study the Quran! All Praises to Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful!
O my brothers and sisters of Islam! Let this story be reached to your hearts as far as it could go! Let it be revealed and spread among ourselves to serve us a reminder that Islam is the religion of Truth. No! Let me take my words back –Islam is the Way of Life, the Truth, the Light that conquers the darkness in and guidance over a soul who wanders astray!
How shameful it is for us who are already born Muslims when among us are sent for recitations of Quran and yet we do not complete reciting its thirty parts! Yet an American brother, who now embraces Islam fully, could study the Quran within a year along with collecting its verses! Subhanallah!
How shameful it is for us who are already born Muslims when among us are sent for religious classes and yet we gain no knowledge of Islam moreover when it is the Way of Life –the Truth – we are speaking of! Yet an American brother, who spent years of studying different beliefs and religions knows a vast knowledge of Islam, not to mention embracing it fully!
How shameful it is for us who are already born Muslims when among us know not even what Islam is when our brother, a converted, could share with us his vast knowledge about it!
O beloved Brothers and Sisters! Let it be again a reminder over your minds that there is no other Way of Life of than Islam alone! Break not the covenant that has been sent to you as a True Guidance over all that exists and comes from the past, present or future! Let the oath of “There is no God except Allah” be glued to our hearts from the beginning till the end –although there is no end!
Let us be grateful that we do now have the most Truest Guidance of all brought down by our Most Merciful Lord Allah! Let us hesitate not to kneel and cry before Him with our hands raised high in the sky in seeking His Blessings and Forgiveness! Let us constantly remind each other so that we shall never be deviated from the Path of Heaven –the Path of Truth!

O Allah, You are my Lord! None has the right to be worshipped but You. You created me and I am Your slave, and I am faithful to my covenant and my promise to You as much as I can. I seek refuge with You from all the evil I have done.
I acknowledge before You all the blessings You have bestowed upon me, and I confess to You all my sins. So I entreat You to forgive my sins, for nobody can forgive sins except You!
•·.·´¯`·.·•[Below By Caliph Omar Ibn' al-Khattab:]•·.·´¯`·.·•
Help me with your sound advice. If I follow the right path laid down by God and His Prophet follow me. If I deviate, correct me. Strengthen me with your advice and suggestions. Let us pray for the glory of Islam.
Help me with your sound advice. If I follow the right path laid down by God and His Prophet follow me. If I deviate, correct me. Strengthen me with your advice and suggestions. Let us pray for the glory of Islam.